eMatrix Fractional Laser

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What is eMatrix Fractional Laser?

The Sublative RF applicator is designed to deliver radiofrequency energy to the skin in a fractional manner, via an array of multi-electrode pins. The array delivers bi-polar RF energy to the skin.



eMatrix™ skin rejuvenation is used for a wide variety of skin problems including:
  • Acne Scarring & Other Scars
  • Sun Damage
  • Fine Wrinkling
  • New! eMatrtix for Eyes
  • Poor Skin Texture, Tone or Enlarged Pores
  • Superficial Skin Lesions
  • Extra benefit of Collagen Production for Added Tightening


After treatment with eMatrix™, most patients showed improvement in facial parameters such as skin brightness and skin smoothness/wrinkle reduction.

The eMatrix is the world’s first RF-only technology for fractional ablation(skin resurfacing) on the market. It treats minute skin areas, leaving the surrounding untreated skin areas intact to act as healing reservoirs for the thermally damaged tissue.

The undamaged tissue promotes quicker healing and ensures limited patient downtime while speeding the appearance of desired results. The tunable eMatrix applicator is equipped with the SelectPulse™ to enable customization of the depth of ablation and degree of skin resurfacing based on individual patient needs.

The ergonomic Sublative™ applicator delivers bipolar radio frequency energy via a matrix of 64 electrodes in the disposable applicator tip.  The RF energy generates fractional deep dermal heating in the region of the electrode matrix to induce skin injury, thus eliciting a wound healing response.  Mild to moderate wrinkles and superficial skin discoloration are reduced, and skin texture becomes more smooth and elastic.

Treatment is a safe and effective solution for all skin types.

Post treatment, they may notice tone and texture improvements as a result of increased levels of beneficial collagen and new healthy skin cells which are produced.  With the treatment’s dermal impact, mild to moderate wrinkles and superficial skin discolorations are reduced. Typical treatment protocol is 3 treatments, 4 – 6 weeks apart. The total number of required treatment sessions depends on the skin condition of the patient.